The Practical Practice: Small adjustments to your daily practice to ease stress 

an online workshop for Practitioners

How to make your life easier + get your act together. 

Running a private clinical practice can sometimes feel like you're putting on an entire theater production by yourself. Lights, costumes, acting, directing, promotion, marketing, makeup, moral support, customer service: all you.

When you're doing it all yourself, you're often flying by the seat of your pants, learning as you go, and spending a lot of time fixing things that wouldn't have been broken if you'd had a bit more time in the first place.

It's no wonder that things sometimes slip through the cracks.

In this class, we discussed small, practical strategies to organize your time and your practice that can improve your clients' experiences and help you feel like you have a reasonable work-life balance.

Some suggestions were small: using automations and auto-responders, calendar management, etc., while others were larger: when to hire an assistant, creating standard operating procedures (SOPs), and more.

Most of the time management advice you'll find out there may seem unrealistic or unsuited to your work as a clinician.

This class drew from Camille's 20 years in clinical practice while parenting/homeschooling, teaching and generally doing all the life things that never seem to get mentioned in the "wake up at 5 am, do your morning pages, meditate, and complete 12 Pomodoro sprints" manifestos.

These suggestions are for the "go with the flow" person who's running a clinical practice and is starting to realize that something needs to give in order for this work to be sustainable. Let's talk about it. 

The live class has ended, but you can still register to get the recording & resource list ❤️

here's what you'll learn:

  • Understand the impact of streamlined daily procedures on reducing stress levels for practitioners and clients.
  • Explore the benefits of utilizing scheduling systems and automations to streamline administrative tasks and improve client experience.
  • Discover effective strategies for organizing calendars and task managers to enhance flow and free up your time 
  • Determine key indicators for assessing when it's appropriate to hire an assistant and how to do so. 

Register for the Training

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Monday Mentoring members, the recording is in the webinar library. No need to register!


I'm Camille Freeman (she/her).

I offer community and continuing education for highly-trained herbalists and nutritionists who want to feel solid and supported in their clinical practices. I've been in practice as a nutritionist and clinical herbalist for 15+ years, with a special focus on menstrual & reproductive health. I'm a registered herbalist with a doctorate in clinical nutrition. I also served as a professor at the Maryland University of Integrative Health for almost 17 years, where I taught physiology, pathophysiology and mindful eating. 

Camille standing outdoors in a puffy jacket with the sun setting behind her.

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