This week has been a bit of a mess.
In addition to the usual backlog from being away last week, it turns out that I need a root canal or an extraction of a molar. It's been causing lots of pain over the last several days. (I'm fine! It will get resolved soon! Yay for herbs + ibuprofen!)
It's taken close to three full working days to schedule and attend emergency dental appointments, deal with insurance (apparently the dental insurance I have is basically worthless, but it took approx. 8,000 calls from me and the various dental offices to learn this), and figure out a treatment plan that's timely and at least kind of financially viable.
I'm sharing this for a few reasons:
First, if I owe you an email, I'm sorry. Hoping to play catch up later this week and next.
Second, I'm reminded yet again of how much it costs - in time, money, disrupted plans, and energy - to not be well. For me, this is temporary. For so many clients, it's not.
The times when we most need rest are often the ones that require extra energy output while piling on the external stressors. It's hard, and it's not fair, especially to people who are dealing with insurance and appointments and chronic pain and/or other disruptive symptoms without an end in sight.
Anything we can do to take just a little bit of administrative burden off our clients' shoulders can make a difference. Assuming the best when clients seem stressed or snippy, demonstrating care and compassion no matter what, sending friendly reminders about upcoming appointments, checking in between visits, taking initiative in scheduling - all of these can go a long way for people who are silently juggling more than they should have to
Take care,