I have four things open for registration right now. (See below!)
The marketing powers that be will tell you this is a horrible idea. You're only supposed to promote one thing at a time.
What I've learned is that if you know the "why" behind the rule, you can choose whether to follow it or not.
Could I wind up with a handful of extra people in each program/class if I promoted only one thing at a time and pushed hard for each individual one? Yep. Most likely.
I decided a while ago not to do hard pushes. I trust that people will sign up if and when they're ready, as long as I let them know when things are available.
If the enrollment dates overlap, and there isn't a feasible way around it, I move ahead, and y'all, it works out.
My point here is that you can experiment see if things work for you, even if all of the experts say you shouldn't.
Take care,