June 21, 2023

I've been thinking a lately about how much we need fallow times in order to have healthy growing seasons.

If you read traditional business advice, it seems like your practice should always be growing, bringing in more clients, getting bigger and bigger each month, each year.

Growth does take a toll, though. Eventually, quieter periods will come.

Sometimes, there will be fewer clients. Fewer people will sign up for your class than did last year or the year before.

It doesn't mean the whole ship is going down. It may mean that your practice ebbs and flows like everything else in nature.

It takes trust not to panic when this happens.

Fallow times serve a purpose, too.

Take care,


About Camille Freeman, DCN (she/her)

Hi there! I'm a clinical herbalist and nutritionist specializing in fertility and menstrual health. I run the Monday Mentoring community of practice and also offer continuing education programs for practicing herbalists and nutritionists (Check out this year's Deep Dive!). I'm also a former professor with the Maryland University of Integrative Health, where I taught physiology, pathophysiology, and mindful eating for 17 years. 

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